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“Chestnuts producer from Spain”

Chestnuts can be bought between October and February Our Spanish chestnuts have a thin skin, easy to remove, with a sweet taste recalling autumn and a typical Christmas aroma.

Roasted or baked “au naturel” are the main ingredient in compotes and cakes.


About chestnutss

Although chestnuts are not consumed daily their benefits for our health are many. The edible part of the chestnut is of a yellowish white colour, with a sweet and tasty savour. The nut of the chestnut tree is a dried fruit consume during the autumn and winter season. Avoid to eat raw chestnuts as “tannins” may cause digestive disorders.

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comprar castañas frutos secos comprar online España

“Chestnuts from Spain”

Spanish chestnuts of our farmers from Spain is a dried fruit rich in nutrients, fibre, carbohydrates and low in calories (190 calories/ 100 grams). Chestnuts are a natural source of vitamins such as: B1, B3, B6 and minerals as phosphorus, calcium, iron, zinc and magnesium.

The chestnut tree which name in latin is Castanea sativa belongs to the family of the fagaceae and is grown in mild areas in the north hemisphere.

Properties of our chestnuts

Our chestnuts are low in calories and are high in fibre, proteins and carbohydrates.

They are also a good source of minerals such as magnesium, potassium, iron and phosphorus

To buy our chestnuts, please contact us

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